Top Products to Ensure Your Data is Secure

Surveys of business owners consistently reveal that among their biggest concerns at the moment are the uncertain economic outlook and cyber risk.

While Serval Systems cannot, unfortunately, promise to speed up the economic recovery, we can certainly assist with data recovery (should the worst happen) and safeguard your system from cyber attacks.  Here are our top ‘data security’ offerings:

Anti-virus software

The best approach is to prevent viruses infiltrating your system in the first place.  As a company grows, more sophisticated ways are needed to ensure protection: this means swapping a firewall on each computer for an external email monitoring system and more active virus-checking.

At Serval Systems we can provide a number of effective anti-virus software products from the likes of Panda and Sophos, and also customised solutions to block attacks before they can cause harm.

Business backup software

Even when no malicious intent is involved, a data loss (perhaps due to accidental deletion) can spell disaster for your business.

Our software range includes Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Small Business Server, which not only helps to reduce storage costs but also uses integrated de-duplication and archiving technology to boost backup performance.

Our centralised data storage gave expanding law firm Mayo Wynne Baxter a disaster recovery system to replace an unwieldy set-up, in which each site server had been responsible for its own security.

Data replication servers

Unexpected downtime is a risk faced by every business, especially in an era when systems have to cope with ever greater data storage demands.  To mitigate this, data replication is key; we can provide solutions that monitor changes to files on your source servers whenever they occur, copying them in real-time to a target server.  If necessary, the replication servers can seamlessly take over from the failed server.

Corporate Email Security software

Mailsweeper and Messagelabs Webroot are two market-leading solutions we offer to protect your business from email threats.

Off-site backup system

When things go wrong it’s a relief to know that your information is stored off-site.  We can store your data at our East Grinstead office, providing the sort of backup an onsite system cannot – for instance, in the aftermath of a fire.

For accountancy firm Clarity Accounting we used an IDSBox to back up the data on their Windows Small Business Server, giving them the peace of mind that comes from knowing both where the data is stored and that it is secure.

The team at Serval Systems will help you with all aspects of your IT security – contact us today on 01342 895180 or