How the cloud has helped businesses throughout a pandemic
The cloud has been producing a change in the way we work for many years now. We are no longer entirely reliant on offices, less reliant on the traditional “9-5” and less reliant on face-to-face communication. Some, however, were still hesitant and remained comfortable with running their organisation in the conventional ‘on-site server-based computing’ model […]
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How to stay focused when working from home
Throughout 2020, millions of individuals had to work from home. Although some are now returning to the office, there are still many remaining at home to work. Whether that be because they are at risk, their offices are closed or they simply don’t feel comfortable about returning to the office. Granted, working from home can […]
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Multi Factor Authentication: What it is, why you need it & how to use it.
These days, passwords are no longer viewed as the most secure way to protect an account. Cyber-criminals have advanced exponentially in recent years as have the ways in which they can find out your credentials. By only using a password as an authentication method, the security of an account is based solely on the strength […]
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Remote Desktop Service vs VPN: What is best for your business?
In 2020, we have seen a huge move towards the use of remote access technologies. For instance, in the form of Remote Desktop Services and VPNs. The move came as workforces across the globe were told they had to work from home if they wanted to continue operating. According to research, RDS use is up […]
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The end of Privacy Shield: What does it mean?
On July 16th, The European Court of Justice (ECJ) declared that a key data sharing mechanism, the EU-US Privacy Shield, was invalid as they concluded that it fails to protect people’s rights to privacy and data protection. The historic decision will have considerable consequences and be a major headache for thousands of companies who exchange […]
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5 ways to secure remote working
There is no doubt 2020 has been an unsettling year. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused considerable disruption to the global economy as well as changed the way we all go about our daily lives. While we are seeing a gradual return to the workplace amid a Tiered system across the UK, the most recent lockdown […]
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What will be needed for businesses to survive past the pandemic
It seems that the news is full of negativity at the moment. We are frequently told of the damage that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused and how much the crisis has impacted the economy. Many are rightly so worried about the health of their business in the future and, although it is true that the […]
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How technology has helped us navigate a pandemic
The world has changed immeasurably in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic caught us all by surprise. No government, business, or individual was truly prepared for the disruption we have experienced. This “new normal” remains a work in progress for many, especially as parts of the economy are having to re-open again amid a strict tier system. […]
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How companies like yours have kept going through the pandemic
The impacts of the pandemic on businesses and their staff are continuing to be felt in every industry across the globe. Almost overnight, we were required to work from home which for many, was a completely new way of working. For a number of our customers, we saw a whole host of new challenges occur […]
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Microsoft 365 developments to get excited about
Microsoft completed the rebranding of the highly successful Office 365 service on 21st April 2020, in what they describe as a “natural evolution”. The suite removes the term ‘Office’ in place of ‘Microsoft’ in a modest update, becoming Microsoft 365. Microsoft 365 is often the ‘go-to’ choice among corporate users – the use of which […]
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Zoom vs Microsoft Teams: What is best for your business?
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in video conferencing and workplace collaboration platforms hitting new highs to help workforces work from home effectively and adhere to social distancing rules. In fact, reports revealed that video conferencing apps saw a record 62M downloads during one week in March. While they have hit new highs, senior management and […]
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5 tips for managing a remote workforce during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond
A second lockdown is now in place across the UK in the hope that it will help ‘flatten the curve’ of the spread of Covid-19. Because of this, those who can work from home effectively should do so again. Studies have found this may not be as problematic as it seems. In fact, research reveals […]
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What is Cloud CCTV and how does it work?
The Background Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) is something we are all familiar with. It has been around for some time now. It is a series of video recording cameras which by capture imagery to assist in securing buildings. The concept gives owners an overview of footfall and activity, as well as helps to deter criminal activity […]
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6 reasons why you need Hosted Desktops in your organisation
With the current advice surrounding COVID-19, workforces are again being urged to work from home. Fortunately, there has never been a more secure, simple and mobile way to work than using a Hosted Desktop. Nowadays, many businesses are looking to move their IT to privately hosted cloud solutions such as a Hosted Desktop. In fact, […]
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Coronavirus: 5 tips to ensure your business is ready for home working.
Coronavirus (or COVID-19) has sent ripple effects across the world, impacting both our work and personal lives. After a recent rise in cases in the UK, organisations are preparing for the reality of localised lockdowns to help prevent the spread of the disease as we head into the winter months. While working from home is […]
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The pros and cons of BYOD in the workplace
BYOD is becoming increasingly prevalent in the workplace. However, even if you don’t know what it means yet, the possibility that you already do it is high. In fact, according to Microsoft, two out of three employees utilise BYOD in the workplace. So, what does BYOD actually mean? BYOD is an acronym for ‘Bring Your […]
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5 ways to strengthen teamwork in the workplace
One of the most undervalued and underutilised workplace strategies continues to be teamwork and collaboration. Workers would rather work by themselves so they can get tasks completed without any external distractions. However, it can be hard for a company to progress by doing this – 86% of employees and executives believe that lack of collaboration […]
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How to conduct an IT audit in-house [+free template]
The word ‘audit’ is often enough to strike fear into even the most resolute business owners. What issues will an audit raise? Will I have to fix them right away? What if it is bad news? Such concerns and doubts mean that SME owners fail to perform enough audits and thus ignore crucial opportunities for […]
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How a Virutal IT Director can change your business!
In a growing company, there comes a point when the board needs access to an IT skilled person who talks ‘business’ to help build a business strategy. Often the IT manager has grown into the role and is very technically competent. However, they can struggle when it comes to communicating the potential business advantages of […]
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Stay organised at work with our 6 handy tips
Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day to get things done? If so, you probably need some more organisation in your life and don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Getting organised comes to some of us as second nature, while it may feel impossible for others. For those people that struggle, […]
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Windows Virtual Desktop and Microsoft 365: All you need to know.
We have spoken a lot about Windows Virtual Desktop in the past. Indeed, the opportunities this new service Microsoft are offering to businesses reliant on legacy applications make it truly exciting. Windows Virtual Desktop allows legacy applications to be incorporated into a Windows 10 based hosted desktop environment, delivered via Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Platform. For […]
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VoIP: The modern telephony platform you NEED.
If you never heard of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), get ready to change that. Traditional analogue phone lines will soon be defunct, meaning organisations need to start thinking about making alternative arrangements. After being first developed around 1995, VoIP is by no means new. However, it is the future of telephony and provides some amazing features to businesses […]
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Why you need proactive NOT reactive IT support
Today’s fast-paced businesses rely on technology in order to successfully function. If their computers or hardware fail, it will not only be frustrated customers and employees they have to deal with, but their bottom line will also suffer. The need for reliable IT systems has never been more prevalent. IT hardware and infrastructure are susceptible […]
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The top 10 benefits of moving to the cloud
These days, the cloud is one of the most talked-about buzzwords in business, and it’s safe to say that won’t be changing anytime soon. In fact, research has found that the cloud is becoming the technology standard for most organisations – by the end of 2020, 67% of enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based. If you […]
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6 tips for making your meetings more effective
No matter what your job role, meetings are essential in helping to bring people together so they can discuss ideas, solve problems, review progress and drive outcomes. Although essential, meetings have actually been deemed one of the most major time wasters in the workplace today. In fact, when The Muse conducted a survey on unproductive meetings, they […]
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Will your backup be there when you need it?
We have talked a lot about Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) and how it has proved to be revolutionary for organisations looking to bridge the gap between the legacy applications they cannot live without and the modern IT environments that most of us are embracing now, such as Microsoft 365. WVD incorporates your applications into a […]
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Introducing Go Integrator: The integration tool linking your telephony and CRM platforms.
It’s a tedious process. You make an important call, then once the call completes it needs to be logged. You spend precious time logging that call in your CRM software and taking down notes from it. In fact, it’s so tedious, that many forego it completely which leave gaps in your data. These days, we […]
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Microsoft Planner: The modern task management platform for teams.
Microsoft 365 has come on a long way since its introduction in 2011, with more exciting features, updates and applications being added rapidly by Microsoft to enhance user experience. One result of these additions is Microsoft Planner, a task management tool – similar to Asana, Slack or Trello, but it integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Teams […]
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Get more from your internet investment today…
Many organisations today provide an internet connection for their employees, clients and visitors. Given the fast-growing use of the internet, poor connectivity can be not only frustrating but damaging to a business. Perception is everything, and one of the most common ways in which a customer can judge your company is on your internet connection. […]
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How you can stop cyber criminals impersonating you.
Email is the main method of communication used in the business environment, from internal communication to customers. This makes it an extremely effective place for cyber-criminals to target victims. According to Avanan’s phishing statistics, 1 in every 99 emails is a phishing attack. This amounts to 4.8 emails per employee in a five-day work week! Because […]
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5 facts that prove remote working is the future
Over the past couple of years, the remote trend of work has proved to bring major benefits to both employers and employees. As a rising phenomenon, the World Economic Forum called it “one of the biggest drivers of transformation in the workplace”. Despite this, the decision to give more flexibility to workers through the opportunity […]
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The secret to slashing your IT expenditure
Small budgets and limited IT expertise in-house can keep organisations from making effective decisions. Investing in the right hardware will save you time and pain, as well as money in the long run. Without sufficient resources, the ongoing operations and bottom line of your business may fail to operate efficiently, or even at all. Hardware […]
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5 Microsoft 365 tools that will make you more productive in 2020
Microsoft released the popular Microsoft 365 service in 2011. Back then, it was simply a subscription service to Microsoft Office, but the platform has now matured into an excellent, modern productivity suite, and has most recently been rebranded to Microsoft 365 from Office 365. It is estimated that users of the platform now make up […]
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Are you prepared for a new generation reshaping the workforce?
The business environment now consists of as many as five generations – all with different demands, desires and aspirations of their own. According to research, by 2028, Millenials and Gen Z will make up 58% of the workforce, an increase of 38% from 2019. Organisations must, therefore, make innovative efforts to manage the changes these […]
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A new age of business telephony: why should you make the switch?
The telephone remains the primary form of communication for those in the business environment. Therefore, the phone system within your organisation is a core component. For something quite so important, it pays to ensure that it is as resilient as possible – constant issues with your phones can leave your customers with a bitter taste […]
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BYOD: What does your business need to be ready?
The huge move towards bring your own device (BYOD) and flexible working in the modern workforce introduces a range of new challenges for IT teams. It used to be that they had full control of what devices are on the network… now they have to deal with a much wider variety of devices. Given that […]
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Could this mean the end of your IT headaches?
If you are one of the many businesses across the UK that are reliant on legacy applications for the day-to-day completion of tasks, you may be contemplating moving over to a more modern IT solution, such as Windows Virtual Desktop. If this is the case, have you taken into consideration how you might be able […]
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Windows 10 for all your staff with WVD
Since its release in 2009, Windows 7 proved to be an incredibly popular operating system. Much like Windows XP, Windows 7 was the default choice for consumers and organisations alike for many years. Users praised its simplicity and the range of software that worked for it, as well as its speed. Even last year, a […]
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The benefits real-time collaboration can bring to your business.
Collaboration is has been deep-rooted in business for many years. However, online collaboration has always been a challenge. Without the right tools, methods can be both cumbersome and inefficient. Fortunately, new technologies have been powering online collaboration like never before and transformed how we will work together in the future. Employees are more mobile than […]
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Have the freedom to work anywhere with VoIP telephony
You don’t have to go too far back in history to find a time when telephony was incredibly cumbersome. If you needed to make a phone call you used your desk phone which is attached to your desk (as the name suggests!). It didn’t move with you, which meant you were attached to your desk […]
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Why data backup is paramount for your organisation!
The rate of cyber-crime is showing no sign of slowing down. Therefore, it has never been more important to have appropriate back up for your data. Unfortunately, according to new figures, there are still a vast number of businesses who have inadequate, or even non-existent backup practises. In a study of 514 UK business leaders, […]
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Windows Virtual Desktop: The answer to all your legacy application problems!
These days, it seems as if the topic of conversation is always about the Cloud. Cloud computing is the way to do business so they say. However, in reality, there are still a large number of organisations that still rely on older legacy applications in order to run their business and to handle day-to-day tasks. […]
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How you can benefit from SharePoint and OneDrive
You’re probably familiar with Microsoft 365 and its suite of apps; it is used by businesses across the globe and maybe you already use it in your company. But are you using them all effectively, if even at all? The tools available within Microsoft 365 are fuelling business growth in all industries. This is especially […]
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How to choose the right VoIP provider
If you are looking to make an upgrade and replace your legacy phone system, your best option is a Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP) phone system. Perhaps you have already decided on an upgrade to VoIP telephony is the way you want to go. With so many players in the VoIP industry, however, how can you be sure […]
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Does your business have the technology it needs to succeed?
Modern technology has transformed the way we work and communicate in business. Not so long ago, we were keeping records on paper, and now, the business environment is almost unrecognisable to this. The reimaging of business in the digital age is called digital transformation. In a recent Tech Pro research survey, it was found that 70% […]
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Hosted Workspace: A cost effective alternative.
If you’re one of the many organisations around the UK that rely on legacy applications to manage their everyday business operations, you may be disappointed that they’re not compliant with Microsoft 365. Since legacy systems have been designed to run in a conventional “server-based computing” model, they don’t operate in a cloud-based Microsoft 365 environment […]
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Microsoft 365 support from a service team that CARES.
In recent years, Microsoft has unleashed a wealth of new productivity tools to their Microsoft 365 suite; ones that are powering workforces across the world. When the use of the platform started growing at such a pace, Microsoft decided to introduce a ‘Virtual Assistant’ to handle the many general questions users of the platform typically […]
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Planning for a telephony upgrade: All you need to know.
If you’re considering an upgrade to Hosted VoIP for your phone system, there are a few things you should remember. Firstly, a VoIP telephone system can have some implications for your Internet lines, particularly if you are moving from a legacy network. Therefore it is important that you take the time to understand the implications […]
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Remote Monitoring: The Managed Service You Need.
If your company is like others, your IT infrastructure will play an important role in your everyday operations and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Managing it, however, is a full-time 24/7 job, and as most companies do not work in this way, they struggle to keep on top of monitoring it for problems and threats. Fortunately, […]
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Finally! Bring your Legacy apps into the modern world!
If you are a user of Microsoft 365 (originally Office 365), then you will no doubt love the fantastic new features in a modern IT environment. Indeed, since its launch in 2011, Microsoft 365 has been something of a success; there are now over 180 million active monthly users of the service. Nonetheless, if you’re […]
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How you can ALWAYS have the latest and greatest from Microsoft
For a company in the present day, the workforce’s productivity revolves around a simple office suite. However, this is not enough for the modern workforce, as they come with a new desire for a different way of working… a way that is more mobile. Microsoft acknowledged this and updated Microsoft 365 to allow users to […]
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What telephone system will give your business the edge?
If you’re currently on the hunt for an upgrade to your company’s telephone network, you may feel frustrated. There are so many options and each option claims to be exactly what you need! In an attempt to simplify the process, we have condensed several choices into two specific solutions: SIP Trunks and Hosted VoIP. These […]
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Can your IT provider do that?
In the modern workplace, we rely on technology to operate, whether it is cloud or traditional environments. If something breaks or fails, it can impact directly on your bottom line and ongoing operations. According to Gartner, the average cost of IT downtime can be as much as $14,000 per hour at the lower end, and […]
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How Windows Virtual Desktop modernises legacy apps with Office 365
Any business that has been trading for a couple of years has that one piece of software which they cannot live without. You may have used it for several years and it hasn’t been updated for a while, but without it, you simply can’t run your business. Sadly, if that’s true in your business, you’ll […]
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Unlock new capabilities with Microsoft Teams
Collaboration and collaboration play a key role in the performance of any business. As employees become more independent and the culture of remote work continues to rise, the use of collaborative tools has really taken off; teams are now able to work together and achieve goals without being physically present in the workplace. Did you […]
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Traditional analogue phone lines are coming to an end: What’s next?
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the very first telephone in 1876, the world was changed. It was possible to hear someone’s voice for the very first time, even if they were many miles away. The telephone burst into popularity. Only three years after its invention, there were almost 49,000 telephones in the United States. This […]
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How you can keep your data safe in a world full of threats.
Data is king in today’s modern world, after topping oil as the most precious commodity in 2017. As with every important resource, there are always people who intend to steal it or damage it. The story is no different with data. While computer viruses are by no means new, the sophistication and frequency of cyber-attacks […]
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The worst passwords of 2019… did we learn nothing?
2019 seems to have been no different yet, proving bad habits are dying hard and many of us are still willing to risk putting our accounts and personal information in the cyber criminals’ line of fire. Would you like to become a cyber security champion? Passwords are important. However, many who use the internet and […]
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6 tips for avoiding burnout at work
Would you agree that our work lives are more pressured than ever? Many of us struggle to cope with these constant pressures and then risk reaching the point of burnout. Stresses in the work environment at times are normal. However, burnout occurs when an individual experiences a state of constant, prolonged stress. It is a state […]
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5 ways to help improve mental wellbeing in the workplace
Although mental health is a topic that is in sharper focus these days, there are still many that don’t feel comfortable with addressing and discussing these issues in the workplace. According to one study, 60% of employees say they’d feel more motivated and more likely to recommend their organisation as a good place to work […]
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5 ways to encourage a culture of collaboration in your organisation
Whether you are a multinational company with 50,000 workers or a start-up with 5 employees, good communication and teamwork are essential to achieving business goals and overall success. We are now in an era where teams are no longer in the same office, but instead are hours apart, or even continents apart. Fortunately, modern technology […]
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Why your staff are your biggest cyber security threat…
In his Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, 1786, Thomas Reid, a trained Scottish philosopher once said, “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link”. The same holds true for business cyber security, where you’re only as strong as your least informed employee. Cyber criminals are going to prey on the most vulnerable, […]
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5 workplace trends that will shape the future
We are all familiar with the ‘traditional’ way of working whereby employees work 9-5 in an office under the direction of a manager and receive a performance review each year. However, now, technology is changing everything. Employers are beginning to move away from offering only the 9-5 working style and are championing the work-life balance. […]
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6 facts about passwords that will make you THINK.
Cyber security is absolutely crucial in the online world and passwords are a huge part of that. However, while many are aware of this and know that we need to use unique usernames and complex password combinations, this doesn’t always happen. Even reports of cyber attacks and breaches have not made a huge difference over […]
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5 impacts of IT downtime you can’t ignore
Generally, not much attention is given to IT until something actually goes wrong. However, if like most, you rely on IT to keep your business operations up and moving forward, then you must remember that IT downtime can hurt – and it can hurt a lot more than you may organically believe. Managed Services can […]
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5 things your employees want from performance reviews
According to research, 95% of employees are dissatisfied with their company’s appraisal process. In addition to this, 90% don’t believe the process provides accurate information. The words ‘performance review’ or ‘assessment’ can suffice to ruin your day. Many dread the process and just feel the entire event demoralises them. Performance reviews, though, can reap many benefits […]
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7 common misconceptions surrounding managed services
There is an increasing reliance on technology in modern business. As a result, more and more companies are turning to Managed Services to help alleviate the stress on their internal IT team and to help align their IT adoption more effectively with their core goals. In general terms, a Managed Service is known as when […]
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Does your IT have the support it needs?
For the most part, technology is great. However, sometimes it lets you down. If your hardware fails, are you confident you have someone you can turn to? Things can get expensive quickly – according to Gartner the average cost of IT downtime is $5,600 per minute. Serval IT Systems can support your organisation, big or small, […]
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OneDrive & SharePoint: The tools you need to grow your business.
Microsoft launched a subscription-based email platform called BPOS back in 2011. Since then, the platform has evolved and is commonly used across the globe now known as Microsoft 365. After this in late 2017, Microsoft launched its new solution – Microsoft 365 Enterprise. Combining the best-in-class productivity with simple device management and security measures, it […]
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The worst data breaches of all time
In the digital age, our information online is more exposed than ever before. Data breaches occur on a daily basis, and while some are minor and go unnoticed, others are so great that they could jeopardise an entire company. In January 2019 alone, exactly, 1,769,185,063 user records were leaked! Below we take a look at […]
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Remote Working: The complete toolkit
According to research, 55% of managers agree that remote work among full-time employees is more common now, and say they expect up to 38% of their full-time workers will be working remotely in the next decade. From this, it is clear that remote working is already here, and it’s here to stay. Remote working present […]
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6 signs you need a new phone system
If you are not a tech expert, it can be difficult and daunting to know when to upgrade your current phone system. There are so many options available to you and the fast pace of advancements can be a challenge to keep up with on top of other responsibilities. Technology is evolving quicker than people […]
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5 ways to make your workplace a more enjoyable place to be
According to research, the average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Yet, did you know 85% of employees are dissatisfied with their workplace? Employees are what keeps a business running. Without them, everything would come to a halt. Therefore, it is crucial that they are satisfied with their workplace. If they are, […]
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How can solicitors simplify IT systems to maximise efficiency?
The life of solicitors is defined by how well they can manage information effectively. There is evidence coming, client correspondence and court filings. If you can create an efficient flow of information with the use of technology, then your expertise in the law can be maximised. Why it is important to simplify IT systems You […]
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What information security strategies are vital for accountants?
With all data held on your internal servers or your cloud, keeping this information secure is a technological challenge. As you hold sensitive company information, you need to consider information security strategies as a matter of urgency. Why is information security important? The security of your clients’ information is vital for the success of your […]
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6 Reasons Why We LOVE Microsoft Teams and Why You Will Too…
Microsoft Teams is a cloud-based platform which creates one singular hub combining meetings, notes and files with various Microsoft and non-Microsoft apps in real-time. It was designed to create a place that people, conversation and content were bought together so that they have access to the relevant tools needed to collaborate with ease. What’s more […]
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8 emails security tips you need to know
The number of emails sent per day in 2015 reached over 205 billion. By comparison, WhatsApp only handles a meagre 65 billion message per day. This email figure was then projected to rise at an average annual rate of 3% over the next four years, hitting more than 246 billion by the end of 2019 (the equivalent of everyone on Earth sending 32 emails a day!). Email is the primary method of communication in business. However, it is also […]
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VPNs: All you need to know.
As cyber-criminals are advancing, keeping your data in your hands only when online is an ever-growing problem. Luckily, a VPN (Virtual Private Network) will extend a private network across a public network so that you can access the internet safely and privately. Wondering how you could improve your cyber-security? Research has shown that since 2016, the […]
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Why you need onsite AND offsite backup.
According to research, 93% of businesses will file for bankruptcy before the end of the year after a serious data loss event, yet, 80% of all companies responded that they were confident they would survive a major data loss event themselves. With such a frightening statistic, it is so important that organisations keep multiple backups. When a business […]
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How to make a password that doesn’t suck.
In the digital world, passwords are required for nearly everything we do; for our computers, phones, websites, accounts and much more. Unfortunaly though, for the most part, passwords really suck. They can be really hard to remember and because of this, we end using easily guessable words or reuse the same passwords everywhere. If you’re […]
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8 surprising facts about workplace productivity
The business world is a competitive one and in order to stand out, you must have a productive workplace. However, there are still a number of misconceptions surrounding productivity in the workplace. In an attempt to open your eyes to the truth, we have gone through 8 surprising facts about workplace productivity. Interested in finding […]
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5 ways to prepare your staff for a cyber attack
In a report by BSI’s Cybersecurity and Information Resilience division, it was found that 73% of organisations are worried about security. However, one in six of those has no plan in place and a third conduct no type of security testing. Almost every day we hear about another cyber-attack. Unfortunately, at the rate cybercrime is […]
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How cloud CCTV could benefit your business
Protecting workplaces from crime is a daily struggle for business owners. According to research, 95% of burglaries recorded to the police in the UK are not solved. CCTV is one solution that can be used to help reduce this figure. However, it is often a measure that is out of reach for many businesses due […]
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6 tips for starting your day right!
Sometimes things go well, sometimes they don’t; it’s how life works. However, in order to be productive, you must start in the mornings and setting out a routine will set you up for success in the workplace. Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss […]
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5 reasons why we LOVE Microsoft 365 and why you will too…
New enterprise business packages by Microsoft are changing the way we work. Technology has exposed us up to all sorts of innovative and exciting new ways that we can conduct our work lives. These have largely allowed us to be more productive, particularly on the go. Microsoft launches Office 365, a subscription-based version of the […]
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Why businesses are embracing Managed Services, and why you should too.
Do you often find your IT department is inundated with problems? Or is your network speed getting increasingly difficult to deal with? Moreover, as your business grows is your IT department or provider struggling to manage it? If any of these ring a bell, then it might be time to think about a change… a […]
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5 steps to a smooth cloud migration
Insights from LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study predicted that 83% of enterprise workloads were going to be in the cloud by 2020. From this, it is clear that the cloud is here, and it’s here to stay. Although many organisations have already made the move to the cloud, there are […]
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7 tips to help you be more productive at work
We all have a work routine in which we try to get as much done as possible. However, research has shown that 30% of UK office workers have admitted to only completing 1-4 tasks every day. Granted, we will all have unproductive days from time to time, but are there any measures you can take […]
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5 easy ways to make your computer faster!
Do you ever find yourself gazing at your computer screen as it freezes while opening up an application, asking yourself – why is my computer so slow? It is something we all will have asked oursleves, yet many of us fail to do anything about it. Not only is a slow computer frustrating but it […]
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Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud… What’s right for you?
Over the past decade, cloud computing has become one of the biggest IT buzz words. In this time, there has been a notable change in how organisations feel and think about ‘the cloud’. When we began, convincing people that the cloud was the future was a challenge. Now, that has all changed. Interested in finding […]
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6 tips to avoid procrastination at work
You’re about to get to grips with a task that’s due in two weeks, but just as you’re about to start, the emails in your inbox steal your attention away. The two weeks are now almost over, and you’re beginning to worry thinking to yourself… why didn’t I get on with it two weeks ago? […]
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5 ways to improve your cyber security
2017 was one of the more impacted years in terms of cyber-security. WannaCry caused troubles in the NHS, Equifax lost customer data and NotPetya affected companies such as Maersk and FedEx. When the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was introduced in May 2018, cyber-security was put at the forefront of our consciousness again. This time […]
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How can you secure your data online?
With so much of our lives held on our digital devices and stored in the cloud, it is becoming easier to lose our identity to a stranger. Although much of our data seems harmless, it can either be stolen or commoditised by another without our permission. Consequently, securing our data online must be as essential […]
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6 advantages of moving to a VoIP telephone system
As new versions of mobile phones are released, it seems as if all we do is long for it. According to research, when the Apple iPhone XS came out, thousands of apple fans were seen worldwide queuing overnight for the device, despite being the most expensive model yet! People love their smartphones for the most […]
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6 tips for working from home effectively
It’s great to be able to work from home. It helps you an opportunity to get away from some of the stress of a busy office and complete tasks in a relaxed setting. In fact, it is so great that data from the ONS shows that 4.2 million people worked remotely in 2015, a number […]
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5 incredible ways technology has changed the way we work
Technology is now a huge part of our lives, impacting everything we do. It is developing at a drastic pace and with that comes a change in how we are working. As new technologies are emerging, our workforce expectations are evolving. According to experts, the pace and rate of change are exceeding our capacity to […]
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What you should do if your business is hacked!
It is something feared by all organisations. You became victim of a cyber-attack. Despite our best efforts, cyber attacks are on the rise. It is now more a matter of when, not if your business is targeted. Cyber attacks happen for a number of reasons, but research has shown that in 2018, 48% of data security breaches are caused […]
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3 reasons why you shouldn’t use your mobile phone for business
Many of us will have considered using our mobile phone for work, or already do. Let’s face it, carrying two phones around is not always practical, especially if you travel a lot. Unfortunately, there are a few key reasons why this might not be a great idea – especially if you already struggle to define […]
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10 unbelievable facts about cyber security
When Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the internet 30 years ago, it was new and exciting being used to share information by connecting people. Over time though, the Internet has matured immensely, becoming a scary place full of risks. Did you know that there are 4.29 billion internet users in 2019? An increase of 366 million […]
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5 ways to make your workplace a more enjoyable place to be
Did you know the average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their life time? Yet, research has shown 85% of employees are dissatisfied with their workplace. A business simply cannot function without employees. Therefore, to ensure good wellbeing and maximum productivity, it is crucial that they are satisfied in their workplace. The good news is, […]
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GDPR and schools: how your IT system should be designed
If you haven’t heard of GDPR yet, then you are quite possibly already in breach of some strict regulations. More likely, you have heard of GDPR, and your school has made some efforts to apply the rules. However, you may yet to have fully immersed yourself in the requirements and therefore cannot make wiser and […]
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A return on your investment with your IT system
You might be concerned by how your IT system can consume so much of your staff time and money. You could have it firmly fixed in the cost column and cringe with every purchase. Such a mindset can make it difficult to continue your investment in IT products. If all you see is expense, then […]
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Cloud Computing – Is Your Cloud Storage Secure?
Cloud storage and cloud computing seems to be the go-to for most individuals and companies. It is easy to set up and it allows files to be accessible from multiple devices with ease. The advantages of cloud computing also mean you can feel some sense of safety that your cloud data will always be available. […]
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EntrustIT Group acquires Serval Systems
On November 30th 2019, Serval Systems became part of the entrustIT Group of IT Managed Service Providers. The entrustIT Group offers cloud and traditional IT Managed Services working with business and not for profit organisations within the UK. From its base in East Grinstead, Serval will expand the geographic reach of the group across the […]
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Using IT when preparing material for court
There are times when you will be preparing an electronic filing of applications which you want dealt with without a hearing. Guidance on how to file such applications are explored in the Commercial Court Guide and layout stringent rules for how the material should be presented. Compliance with these requirements can demand much administration by […]
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How you can ensure client confidentiality
The world is highly connected. Few places in the world do not have access to the internet and the copious amounts of information held there. Text messages, social media and even the humble telephone can pose a risk to client confidentiality. Let’s start with common sense Some things should go unsaid, but we should voice […]
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IT systems that aid learning
There is an argument to suggest that some IT is brought into schools because it is entertaining and engaging. Anything done on a computer, on a tablet or through the students’ smartphone can stimulate interest immediately. Educationalists might argue that the task is as effective off-screen as it is on, while some would say it […]
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The best IT solutions for accountants
There is no sector more shaped and improved by IT developments than accountancy. From the thick ledgers of old, with paper receipts and a calculator, we are now in the world of the cloud with software that covers all four areas of accounting. Charting the route to the best IT solutions for accountants now focuses […]
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How can IT support the work of solicitors?
Each day a solicitor is required to handle a massive amount of complex information; categorise this effectively and analyse it for its worth, before storing this for future use. Much of this data will need to be cross-referenced with other data and made available to a select number of people. Privacy is a significant concern, […]
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The importance of IT planning for schools
There is so much potential technology available to schools. With the growth in education-specific software, lesson enhancing apps, as well as reporting, monitoring and communication software, a school has an opportunity to revolutionise its offering with IT. Yet, add to this the potentials of hardware, from iPads to smartphones to interactive displays, laptops and desktops, […]
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How to make IT Systems more efficient for accountants
For accountants, meeting client expectations requires an efficient, robust, fit for purpose IT infrastructure. Serval Systems has helped accountancy firms to acquire one….
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Top 5 IT Solutions to increase office efficiency
In a competitive world, it’s a case of ‘survival of the fittest’ for many small or medium-sized businesses.
If your office is lean and streamlined, you will reap the rewards in terms of time efficiencies and increased productivity – and it comes down to getting your IT right.
Is your Data Really Hidden in The Cloud?
The concern which, above all others, causes IT heads to think twice about migrating to cloud computing is security. This is understandable: from the hacker’s point of view, the cloud has a silver lining – a rich store of sensitive (and therefore valuable) data. This is why it is important, if choosing a provider, to make sure […]
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Learning Safe Internet Use in Schools
Digital technology has transformed the classroom and revitalised learning for children in all parts of the world. But exciting as it is, the new online world has its dangers. Learn how to make your school’s IT system as safe and secure as possible.
Read moreTop Products to Ensure Your Data is Secure
Surveys of business owners consistently reveal that among their biggest concerns at the moment are the uncertain economic outlook and cyber risk. While Serval Systems cannot, unfortunately, promise to speed up the economic recovery, we can certainly assist with data recovery (should the worst happen) and safeguard your system from cyber attacks. Here are our top ‘data […]
Read moreThe Lessons Every Business Should Learn From 2014’s iCloud Hack
The 2014 iCloud hack that saw intimate images of celebrities being accessed and posted on the net, brought the security of the cloud into question last year. But is it the cloud itself that is the problem here? Many argue that cloud computing is actually more secure than storing data within your own business, and with its […]
Read moreCommon IT Problems Facing the Legal Industry
Legal firms are directly in the firing line when it comes to cyber crime thanks to the large amount of sensitive and confidential information they hold. Yet while such bounty is highly prized by hackers, surprisingly few law firms are prioritising IT security, making their business protection much weaker than that of other industries. Remote access to sensitive […]
Read moreImplementing IT Policies For Business
Why are IT Policies Necessary? Clear policies about how IT is or may be used lead to a well managed, effectively run business. They provide a set of instructions to ensure the smooth running of operations on a day-to-day basis. An up-to-date, fully functioning IT system is now fundamental for the majority of businesses to […]
Read moreWhat Type of Backup is Best for Your Business
Hundreds of new pieces of information are being created in your business every day and what a costly disaster it would spell if all of it were to get lost. As you know data backup is essential for every business, but it can be difficult to know which one is best for your business. The right backup […]
Read moreSecurity Beyond the Software: IT Training for Staff
Anti-virus and firewalls may be the front runners in the battle against security threats however you may have another weak link lurking in your midst. Unless properly trained, your own staff could be the biggest threat to the security of your business network and information. Nowadays massive data breaches can be tracked back to a single click made […]
Read moreEnhancing Your Business with the Right IT Solutions for You
Enhancing Your Business with the Right IT Solutions for You During our 15 years in the industry we have seen how IT improves businesses. However, simply adopting every kind of software that comes along is not necessarily going to do the trick. Instead you need to know which will be the right IT solutions for […]
Read moreStaying Protected 101: The Business Firewall
When you leave the office at the end of the day you lock the doors behind you. The same should be the case for your computers, in order to protect the information stored on them. A firewall is that locked door to secure your business IT network, designed to block unauthorised access from other, less secure networks […]
Read more.uk – Should your business adopt the new domain name?
Is your business using a co.uk or org.uk domain name? It might now be time to secure the new slimmer model .uk. Last month saw the release of new leaner domain name .uk by UK domain registry organisation Nominet. In its first 24 hours after launch .uk registrations surpassed 50,000 and Nominet expects this will rise […]
Read moreIn Safe Hands: The Benefits of Offsite Backup
Offsite backup is an essential component to any business’ disaster recovery plan. Without one you’re at risk of losing vital data should the unexpected happen, such as a fire, flood, theft or a major software or hardware failure. Protecting your essential data from being permanently lost with offsite backup will enable your business to continue functioning as […]
Read moreWhy You Need a Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster has struck, you have had a major hardware failure, a fire or flood, or accidentally deleted critical data – what are you going to do? What would happen to your business should one of these scenarios strike? Long periods of downtime Unhappy customers Permanent loss of data With an effective disaster recovery plan (DRP) […]
Read moreHow to Spot a Phishy Email
Ever had an email from an ‘official’ organisation asking you to disclose personal information, but you were not sure whether to trust it? Your instincts may be right. Scammers are sending emails disguising themselves as legitimate organisations, linking recipients to a fake log-in page in an attempt to hijack personal information, known as phishing – […]
Read moreThe IT Security Checklist for Businesses
Every day businesses are becoming more reliant on the internet – from storing data in the cloud to running their systems through computers and the internet. But lurking in the shadows sophisticated malicious software is being created, e.g. viruses, worms and trojans, ready to exploit weaknesses in networks and steal personal data. For instance, did […]
Read more5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Grow Your Business
Cloud computing has been hailed as an IT game changer. Thanks to the Cloud, you can now discard your internal, complex infrastructure and manage your business’ data through the internet. Cloud computing is fully encrypted to your business and you are in charge of who accesses your company information. It is very secure, in fact it is […]
Read moreWhat is Cloud Computing?
Have you ever been on the move or sat at home and really needed access to documents from your office at work? If your documents are hardwired in the office server then they aren’t going to budge, leaving you unable to complete the task you intended to work on. But what if you could put […]
Read moreBecoming a Paperless Office – Avoiding Data Loss and Protecting Your Business
The idea of the paperless office has been around since computers first arrived on the business scene and yet, all these years later, it is still largely a myth. Why does the thought of relying completely on electronics give us such cause for concern? Well, first, we’ve all heard the horror stories – from information […]
Read moreNew Web Domains = New Business?
Have you heard that web domains such as ‘.com’ and ‘.org’ are running out? Now new domains are being created such as ‘.london’ and ’.gallery’ and even wacky ones including ‘.ninja’ and ‘.cool’. This could mean big business for companies in the future. The first of the new top-level domains have been released, and over […]
Read moreHow IT Can Improve Your Business Productivity
Productivity is a key component to achieving business goals and is a firm indicator of success, or possible failure. So what steps do you need to take ensure high levels of productivity? How do you know your employees and business are performing productively to maximise your business success? Using IT, such as business productivity software, […]
Read moreHow IT Can Help To Grow Your Business
As a business owner or manager you’ve probably made some resolutions, from how to grow your business with new leads through to ways to increase engagement with your existing customers. Why not follow our tips below for business success: • Get your IT systems in order Before you can consider increasing your leads and customer […]
Read moreImproving Your Warehouse efficiency with IT Support
Imagine being able to run your warehouse more efficiently, without having to be concerned with making human errors or boring stock taking. Did you realise that a reliable IT support system can take care of many processes and help you manage your warehouse much easier. IT support manages most warehouse processes – from pulling orders […]
Read moreWhat Should Your ‘Out of Office’ Say?
Christmas is just around the corner, which for most of us means a mass exodus from the office. Opening hours at this time of year vary from business to business, so ensuring your employees or colleagues have their ‘out of office’ response set on their emails is an important part of your communications with your […]
Read moreEmail Security: Spam Explained
Spam emails are a modern day pest. In the same way we are hounded with junk mail through our letter box, we are pestered with unsolicited mail electronically as well. Spam or junk email has many of the same characteristics as postal junk mail, but its aim is often far worse. What are Spam Emails? […]
Read moreBusiness IT Support for Offices
Bustling offices, small businesses and internal IT support have never mixed well. Busy offices have limited resources and a working week is packed with day-to-day tasks, leaving little spare time for staff to focus solely on IT. Often it isn’t financially viable for small and medium businesses to hire a staff member dedicated to managing […]
Read moreIT Support Services for Accountants
We all know how frustrating it can be to receive incorrect wages. But to ensure that we all get paid the right amount at the right time, accountants must rely heavily upon access to data, such as payroll information. While IT systems can make or break an accountancy business, a well designed network will ensure […]
Read moreVoIP Features That’ll Have Your Office Ringing with Joy
The introduction of hosted telephony has revolutionised the way in which offices work. With more flexibility and ease, businesses across the UK are reaping the benefits of VoIP hosted telephony technology. What is VoIP? Firstly, what exactly does VoIP mean? Voice over Internet Protocol (or IP) simply means that calls are made over the internet. VoIP operates […]
Read moreRemote Access FAQs
Security and data protection are a major concern for businesses when it comes to working remotely. We’re often asked by our clients how safe remote access is, how it works and what the benefits are. Here are our most frequently asked questions about remote access and the best tools around: What does remote access mean? […]
Read moreHow Can You Improve Employee Performance Through IT?
Poor IT infrastructure and processes not only affect customer satisfaction, but also employee productivity. If IT systems are letting you and your employees down, read on to find out how making improvements now could help to keep your employees happy and their productivity levels up: How IT Improves Employee Productivity Minimises the need for paperwork […]
Read moreCommon IT Problems Facing Small Businesses
Anyone working with computers on a daily basis will be familiar with the IT problems which regularly arise. Both small and medium sized businesses rely heavily upon IT infrastructure, regardless of the sector you operate in. Having either an in-house IT expert or outsourcing to an IT support company is vital when it comes to […]
Read moreChoosing the Right IT Support Company
We live in a digital world and running a business without any form of digital technology is nigh on impossible. Storing vital data, sending and receiving emails, capturing client and customer details – can you imagine attempting to run your business day-to-day without even the most basic technology? Finding an IT solution to match the […]
Read moreBenefits of Outsourced IT Support and Services
As an integral part of your business, a working IT system keeps your employees and customers happy. Stories of big name companies whose IT systems have failed their customers are never far from the headlines and the damage can be long-term. Outsourced IT support services however allow your team to focus on their jobs, whilst IT […]
Read moreBusiness IT Continuity
As a company you are almost completely reliant on IT for day-to-day operation, it has never been more important to have a business continuity plan in place to ensure your business can continue to trade in the event of a crisis. Having IT support in place prior to a breakdown can ensure your business is protected 24/7 when […]
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